Liveability Ranking published by Economist Intelligence Unit to access the living conditions in 140 cities around the world.
The ranking based on 30 indicators within 5 categories: stability; healthcare; culture and environment; education; and infrastructure. The survey gives an overall rating of 0-100, where 1 is intolerable and 100 being the most “ideal” city in the world for living.
In 2011, Kuala Lumpur at position 79 in Liveable Ranking. The table below shows the ranking for some of major cities in the world.
Rank | Country | City | Rating |
1 | Canada | Vancouver | 98.0 |
2 | Australia | Melbourne | 97.5 |
3 | Austria | Vienna | 97.4 |
4 | Canada | Toronto | 97.2 |
5 | Canada | Calgary | 96.6 |
6 | Finland | Helsinki | 96.2 |
7 | Australia | Sydney | 96.1 |
8 | Australia | Perth | 95.9 |
9 | Australia | Adelaide | 95.9 |
10 | New Zealand | Auckland | 95.7 |
12 | Japan | Osaka | NA |
12 | Switzerland | Geneva | NA |
29 | US | Pittsburgh | NA |
30 | US | Honolulu | NA |
34 | US | Washington DC | NA |
36 | US | Chicago | NA |
36 | US | Atlanta | NA |
36 | US | Miami | NA |
40 | US | Detroit | NA |
41 | US | Boston | NA |
44 | US | Los Angeles | NA |
53 | Britain | London | NA |
56 | US | New York | NA |
72 | China | Beijing | NA |
79 | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | NA |
131 | Sri Lanka | Colombo | 48.5 |
132 | Senegal | Dakar | 48.3 |
133 | Iran | Tehran | 45.8 |
134 | Cameroon | Douala | 44.0 |
135 | Pakistan | Karachi | 40.9 |
136 | Algeria | Algiers | 39.4 |
137 | Nigeria | Lagos | 39.0 |
138 | PNG | Port Moresby | 38.9 |
139 | Bangladesh | Dhaka | 38.7 |
140 | Zimbabwe | Harare | 37.5 |
The 5 categories individually weighted as follows,
1. Stability (25%): i.e. threat of terrorism, threat of military conflict
2. Healthcare (20%): i.e. availability of public and private healthcare, availability of medicines
3. Culture and environment (25%): i.e. level of corruption and censorship, availability of consumer goods and services
4. Education (10%): i.e. availability of private education
5. Infrastructure (20%) i.e. quality of road network, quality of energy and water provision, quality of telecommunication infrastructure
Rating Description
80–100 :- There are few, if any, challenges to living standards.
70–80 :- Day–to–day living is fine, in general, but some aspects of life may entail problems.
60–70 :- Negative factors have an impact on day-to-day living
50–60 :- Liveability is substantially constrained
50 or less :- Most aspects of living are severely restricted