
Advertise on 1-milion-dollar-blog

1-million-dollar-blog generates over 135,000 page views from nearly 50,000 visitors or 25,000 unique visitors per month. The blog readers are those who are looking for more information about personal finance, banking products, insurance, investments, stock market & money saving tips.

For the past 2 years, blog traffic traffic increases drastically from less than 10 visitors per day to more than 2,000 per day as of April 2011 and keep increasing.  The image below are blog’s statistics from Google Analytics for the month of April 2011.

The following advertising spaces that currently available in the blog.

1. 468 x 60 Head Banner Ads

468×60 head banner ads appear on the blog top header of every page. Only one spot is available.

Price :- RM50 or USD17 per month

2. 125 x 125 Button Banner Ads

125×125 button banner ads appear on the blog sidebar of every page. Six (6) spots are available.

Price :- RM30 or USD10 per month

3. 160 x 600 Wide Skyscraper Ads

125×125 wide skyscraper ads appear on the blog sidebar of every page. Only one spot is available.

Price :- RM100 or USD33 per month

Payment Methods

Payment in Ringgit can be made via Maybank, CIMB or Standard Chartered bank accounts.

Payment in US Dollar can be made via PayPal. Alternative method is via US bank account (Bank of America or Citibank).

Other advertising spaces & enquiry

For other advertising spaces/methods and other enquiry kindly fill up contact form.