Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) becoming popular in Malaysia due to high dividend yield paid by the management company. Currently, there are 14 REITs approved by Security Commission (SC) and listed in Bursa Malaysia.
The main advantage of (REIT) when compare with actual property investment is the investors earn better liquidity and cash flow.
How do they performed? The table below shows the comparison between the 14 REIT available in Malaysia in terms of Market Capitalization, Earnings per Share (EPS) and Dividend Yield for the past 1 year.
REIT | Symbol | Market Cap (RM mil) | Price (RM) | EPS (sen) | Yearly Dividend (sen) | Dividend Yield (%) |
Al-`Aqar KPJ REIT | ALAQAR | 673 | 1.16 | 8.11 | 7.73 | 6.66 |
Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT | BSDREIT | 896 | 1.43 | 14.74 | 10.00 | 6.99 |
Amanah Harta Tanah PNB | AHP | 107 | 1.07 | 10.20 | 7.20 | 6.73 |
AmanahRaya REIT | ARREIT | 545 | 0.95 | 7.90 | 7.32 | 7.71 |
AmFirst REIT | AMFIRST | 519 | 1.21 | 4.69 | 12.69 | 10.49 |
Atrium REIT | ATRIUM | 130 | 1.07 | 9.78 | 8.60 | 8.04 |
Axis REIT | AXREIT | 891 | 2.37 | 30.26 | 16.00 | 6.75 |
CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (*) | CMMT | 1,719 | 1.15 | 8.10 | 3.40 | 2.96 |
Hektar REIT | HEKTAR | 435 | 1.36 | 12.24 | 10.30 | 7.57 |
Quill Capita Trust | QCAPITA | 406 | 1.04 | 8.35 | 8.03 | 7.72 |
Starhill REIT | STAREIT | 1,032 | 0.88 | 6.89 | 6.49 | 7.42 |
Sunway REIT (**) | SUNREIT | 2,980 | 1.11 | 14.88 | 4.96 | 4.47 |
Tower REIT | TWRREIT | 338 | 1.19 | 10.94 | 10.00 | 8.40 |
UOA REIT | UOAREIT | 588 | 1.39 | 12.45 | 9.97 | 7.17 |
* New REIT. Data only for 6 months period
** New REIT. Data only for 9 months period
Based on these data, AmFirst REIT gives the highest dividend yield and follow by Tower REIT.
Are you investing in REIT?
I think next post should be How To Invest in REIT 🙂
It can be done but basically it is similar on “how to invest in Bursa Malaysia” because these REITs listed there.
I thought REIT and the company which provides the REIT is the 2 different thing?
I once own Atrium, AHP, al-Aqar, and Sunreit. Small amount only. Divident is consistent but not that much. Cap appreciation so slow. Now dont have any.
But I believe for long term, Reit is worth it…
mine is arreit, atrium, hektar and amfirst. i invest for the dividend. the capital appreciation is very slow
yang mana satu REIT follow syariah?
Shariah REIT are Al-`Aqar KPJ REIT, Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT & Axis REIT.
tapi saya check di bursamalaysia.com Al Aqar & Al hadharah xde simbol [S]…
btw.. dividen yield itu company bagi setiap suku tahunan ( Quarterly ) ke atau setahun sekali bro?
I don’t know how you check but that 3 REITs are confirm shariah counter. You can check at Security Commission webpage.
The number of payment not fixed. Some pay 2 times some pay 4 times.
ok tqvm. nice info.
exactly, how much can we invest in REITs at a time? is there any minimum for investing in REITs? or any maximum at any given time?
khalid, minimum is 100 unit & no maximum.
I am new in reits / stocks, when you say 100 unit, does it equivalent to 1 lot, if the current prices is 1.17, is equal to RM117? Besides that, where can i purchase SUNWAY REITS?Kindly enlighten me
Good site. Anywhere AmFirst dividend was only RM0.0975 for both year ended 31/3/2010 & 31/3/2011.
I like Hektar Reit, at current price RM1.29, the dividend yields is 7% a yr, given out quarterly. If u own 13 lots of Hektar, u gonna get average passive income of RM100/mth!!
Alex, your calculation is OK but need to add brokerage fees, stamp duty & clearing fees. You can buy from Bursa Malaysia. Prior to that you need to have CDS & trading account.
True..RM 100 sounds like a good deal but it will erode the profit when we pay the brokerage fees. Unless we go long term. Btw itz RM 100 per year not month.
I like Reits as it can provide both returns in divident and capital appreciation, i invested in Sun reit in Feb 2011 at 1.03, so far received 3 times divident of RM40+ net in total, divident returns is arround 4+% net…today the counter traded at 1.20, , capital appreciation = 1.20 – 1.03 = 0.17/1.03 = 16.5% + divident returns of 4%, total returns = 20% gross. if every year can get the same returns, woo, really a goose that can lay golden eggs, it is also better than invest in the physical properties as no headache in tenant, no need to pay all the fees (assessment, fire insurace, m.fess, indah water, quite rent, monthly loan repayment) in maintianing the physical properties. My next target is either Pavillion or CMMT? which is better?
can i know…its good i invest in new IPO IGB REIT…i want to know ur suggestion admin…tq
It is safe to invest in IGB REIT as they own very popular shopping mall, but the dividend yield is on the lower side when compare with other REIT.
From the table above, would you kindly teach me how do I pick the best Reit to invest? Price aside, should I look at the Yearly Dividend (sen) which is the actual dividend payout instead of Dividend Yield (%) which I believe is the % of dividend payout?