The last date to submit Individual Income Tax Return for year 2009 in on 30th April 2010 which is tomorrow. If you fail to pay by the due date you have to pay penalty charge of 10%. The penalty is increased by another 5% if the remaining unpaid balance not paid after 60 days.
Have you complete yours? If not, better hurry as the time is running out.
Below are the information and guides that you may need to complete it.
- How to do e-Filing for Individual Income Tax Return
- Malaysia Individual Income Tax Exemptions, Deduction, Rates, Reliefs and Rebates for 2009
- Is Income from Investment Taxable?
- Overpaid Tax Refund in 30 Days with e-filing
And finally if have have to make additional payment you have many option as listed below.
Payment At Bank
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, and instruction to debit account or telegraphic transfer at all CIMB and Public Bank Berhad (PBB) branches throughout Malaysia.
When making payment at the bank, the bank paying in slip for tax payment, which can be obtained from all CIMB and PBB branches, has to be filled.
For payment of individual income tax at the bank, use 084 for payment code and 99 for installment number. Other information that needs to be filled in the bank payment slip are name, income tax reference number, identification card number and the year of assessment for which the payment is made.
For payment by cheque, please write your payment details at the back of the cheque. Payment by cheque has to be in the name of Director General Inland Revenue.
Payment Made Through ATM Maybank Bhd & Public Bank Bhd (PBB)
Payment can be made at Maybank Bhd and Public Bank Bhd ATM throughout Malaysia. You must have a Maybank or Public Bank ATM card. Your income tax reference number is needed to facilitate the transaction.
e-Bayaran via FPX
If you have internet banking account with Bank Islam, CIMB Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Maybank or Public Bank you are eligible to make payment via FPX. To do this proceed to e-Bayaran website.
Internet Banking
If you have internet banking from Alliance Bank, CIMB Bank, Citibank, EON Bank, Maybank, Public Bank or RHB Bank, you can make payment by logging to your internet banking account.
Payment Of Income Tax Monetary Transfers From Overseas By Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
Monetary transfer from overseas requires the following information:
Payable to : Director General Inland Revenue
Name and address of payee bank : CIMB Bank Berhad, Jalan Duta Branch Ground Floor, Block 8, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta,50480 Kuala Lumpur,
Payee Account Number: 1423-0004076-055
Swift Code : CIBBMYKL
The above information has to be faxed to the payment counter in Jalan Duta at 03-62016857 to enable an official receipt to be issued.
Payment Of Income Tax Monetary Transfers From Overseas By Bank Draft
Monetary transfer from overseas by this method requires you to forward the following information:-
Payable to : Director General Inland Revenue
Name and address of payer bank: Must be local paying bank or local correspondence bank. Thus, the bank draft will be a local cheque.
Bank draft cannot be bought in RM. Therefore, please ensure that the currency exchange for the amount to be paid is accurate. Payment and payer details must be written at the back of the bank draft and then posted to the address below:-
Payment Counter
Ground Floor, Block 8A
Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta