As per my post earlier regarding refund to the victims, if you one of them you have to act now in order to get at least part of your money that loss through swisscash investment scam. You have until 7pm, 10th February 2010 Malaysian time to submit your claim.
Big thanks to Securities Commission (SC) as they have been putting a lot of afford to ensure the victims at least get back some of their money. I hope the victims and other general public should learn the lesson and not to involve in scam investments.
As mentioned earlier PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services is the administrator to manage the restoration process for eligible investors. They have setup the procedure on how to make the claim. Every claim must be using proper Statutory Declaration as to Proof of Claim Form.
Every submission should include the following:
- The original signed and attested Statutory Declaration as to Proof of Claim in the form below, setting out the amount you wish to claim and the detailed computation thereof (For example, if you had invested USD1000 and received USD300 in returns, the claim should be for the sum of USD700)
- A brief narrative of how you were introduced to the scheme and your investment history
- Copy of your NRIC/passport or other identification documentation
- Investment Certificates to show amount invested
- Evidence of remittance made for each Investment Certificate or official receipt from recipient of your investment funds (Example: bank deposit slips, credit card payment slips, proof of telegraphic transfer via internet banking or ATM)
- Evidence of returns on investments received to-date
- Any additional documents you deem appropriate to substantiate your claim.
Complete from together with the proof can be submitted by post or courier to the following address
c/o Suite 126, 3rd Floor, Wisma RKT
No. 2, Jalan Raja Abdullah
Off Jalan Sultan Ismail
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Until 5pm 10th February
or by hand at
Labuan Room
Level 5, Putra World Trade Centre
41, Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Until 7pm 10th February
Download form in English
Download form in Malay
More information are available at Swisscash Administrator webpage.
nasib baik tak join benda2 camni
Yes, you are lucky. I know from the beginning that this is a scam scheme so I save as well.
sy jg… memang dari awal lg sy tak minat scheme ini…….
btw… big thank to SC
Yes, big credit goes to SC.
Never trust investment that offer excessively high return. Even the legendary warrent buffet only can obtain about 20% return per year.
can i apply now??
because i just know how to apply to make clain for sc victim…
I’m afraid that you won’t be able to as the dateline is over but no harm trying. Try to contact the Administrators (PricewaterhouseCoopers).
Good Luck!
Iam also a victim of swiss cash i just know about clam can i apply now?please tell me.Thanku you.
shirish chaudhari,
I’m sorry but you are too late. Claim submission was closed more than a year ago.
did any body got refund????
i myseelf total invest in sc usd5000 and my parent usd2000, and my friend…$$$$.
finally Securities Commission return 50% of all my capital, thank to the Securities Commission,god bless all investor for sc.
Iam also a victim of swiss cash i just know about clam can i apply now?please tell me.Thanku you.