Bumi Armada Bhd, a leading international offshore oil field services contractor, is schedule to be listed in Main Market on 21st July 2011.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of 878.5 million ordinary shares at an IPO price of RM3.15 per share at RM0.20 par value.
Out of 878.5 million shares, 798.7 million shares are offered to Malaysian and foreign institutional and selected investors and a retail offering of 79.86 million shares to the Malaysian public and directors & employees of Bumi Armada Berhad.
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Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd, the first Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) to be listed in Main Market on 25th July 2011.
SPAC is a company which has no operations or income generating business at the point of IPO but undertakes an IPO with the intention of acquiring operating companies/businesses with the proceeds raised from the IPO.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of 200 to 400 million ordinary shares at an IPO price of RM0.75 per share at RM0.01 par value. It comes with 1 free detachable warrant for each share. 10 million shares are offered to Malaysian public.
The warrants will be listed and tradable from the date of listing, with an exercise price at a discount of approximately 33% to the issue price of RM0.75 per share.
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OSK remain OVERWEIGHT on the O&G sector given the numerous opportunities to be mined by O&G service providers, spurred on by Pengerang’s development.
Two recent developments are;
- Dialog Group signed a Development Cum Joint Venture Agreement (DJVA) with the Johor State Government granting it the right to start land reclamation works in Pengerang in Malaysia’s Johor state, and use the reclaimed land for the construction of a Deepwater O&G Terminal.
- Petronas announced that its USD20bn Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (RAPID) project, also to be located in Pengerang, will house an oil refinery, petrochemical plants and possibly, a LNG regas terminal.
Below are the target prices and ratings for selected Oil & Gas stock.
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While markets did not rally as much as expected in 1H2011, OSK are keeping our view of an election-fuelled rally towards year-end, bringing the KLCI to 1680-pt target.
Banks, Oil & Gas, Construction, Property & Healthcare/Media remain OSK Preferred sectors. OSK Top Buys are generally extracted from these sectors.
OSK note that their Top Buys are not cheap but they continue to promote these stocks on account of their lower risk profile and the cautious mood in the market.
Below are OSK Top Buys for 2H2011
Top Buys for Big Caps Stocks
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ECMLibra Investment Research continue to be Overweight on the sector as news flow continues to be heavy and very positive. There would be many more contracts to come from marginal fields, development projects (like Tapis), and deepwater developments.
Besides that, Petronas’s intention to increase drilling activity will also enhance the need for support vessels and drilling services and equipment.
On notable major shareholding changes, Employees Provident Fund was seen adding shares across the board, particularly in Petronas Chemicals, SapuraCrest, Wah Seong and KNM.
Table 1 :- Selected Oil & Gas Stocks Fair Value, Target Price & Dividend Yield
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