World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars and 144 criterias to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The 12 pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia ranked the 20th most competitive nation among 148 countries up 4 spot from 24th out of 144 countries in 2013-2014 overtaking advanced economies country such as Australia and France. Malaysia remained the second most competitive among Asean and has improved to sixth position among 28 Asia-Pacific countries. Malaysia’s biggest improvement was in the institutions pillar.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia ranked the 24th most competitive nation among 148 countries up 1 spot from 25th out of 144 countries in 2012. Malaysia remained the second most competitive among Asean and has improved to seventh position among 25 Asia-Pacific countries.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia at number 25th from 142 countries, down 4 position from 21st in 2011. Korea, Luxembourg, UAE and New Zealand overtook Malaysia this time round although Malaysia’s scores slipped marginally compared to the previous report. In 2010, report Malaysia is at number 26th with score 4.88.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently published “The Global Enabling Trade Report 2012”. The report contained Enabling Trade Index 2012 which ranked 132 economies worldwide.
The rank measures the extent to which individual economies have developed institutions, policies and services facilitating the free flow of goods over borders and to destinations.
The ranking is based on four enablers of trade namely business environment, market access, border administration and transport and communications infrastructure.
The index was publish biennially. In 2012, Malaysia at number 24th, up 6 position from 30th in 2010. According to the report, Malaysia’s improved ranking reflects the impact of the measures undertaken by the government over the last two years to improve the competitiveness of the Malaysian economy.
The table below is the top 25 of the ranking.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia at number 21st from 142 countries, up 5 position from 26th in 2010.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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