2013 – 2014 Global Competitiveness Report


World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.

The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.

In the report, Malaysia ranked the 24th most competitive nation among 148 countries up 1 spot from 25th out of 144 countries in 2012. Malaysia remained the second most competitive among Asean and has improved to seventh position among 25 Asia-Pacific countries.

The table below is top 25 of the ranking.

Country Rank 2013 Score (2013) Rank 2012 Score (2012)
Switzerland 1 5.67 1 5.72
Singapore 2 5.61 2 5.67
Finland 3 5.54 3 5.55
Germany 4 5.51 6 5.48
United States 5 5.48 7 5.47
Sweden 6 5.48 4 5.53
Hong Kong 7 5.47 9 5.41
Netherlands 8 5.42 5 5.50
Japan 9 5.40 10 5.40
United Kingdom 10 5.37 8 5.45
Norway 11 5.33 15 5.27
Taiwan 12 5.29 13 5.28
Qatar 13 5.24 11 5.38
Canada 14 5.20 14 5.27
Denmark 15 5.18 12 5.29
Austria 16 5.15 16 5.22
Belgium 17 5.13 17 5.21
New Zealand 18 5.11 23 5.09
United Arab Emirates 19 5.11 24 5.07
Saudi Arabia 20 5.10 18 5.19
Australia 21 5.09 20 5.12
Luxembourg 22 5.09 22 5.09
France 23 5.05 21 5.11
Malaysia 24 5.03 25 5.06
South Korea 25 5.01 19 5.12

Full report can be found at WEF webpage.

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