Amanah Saham Nasional

ASB Unitholders Get 8.75% Dividend & Bonus for 2010


Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) unitholders will receive a dividend of 7.50 sen per unit for the financial year ending Dec 31, 2010 compared with 7.30 sen declared last year.

The 7.04 million unitholders who currently hold more than 82.72 billion ASB units will also receive a bonus of 1.25 sen, similar to last year.

The income distribution portion involved a total payout of RM5.93 billion while the bonus portion RM603.34 million.

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AS1M Stock Market Portfolio & Unitholder Distributions for 2010


For financial end 30th September 2010, Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (“AS1M”) pays 6.38 sen for its maiden dividend to the unitholders. In the same period, a total of more than 259,162 peoples subscribe in AS1M with total fund size of more than RM4 billion.

In summary, AS1M invest 67.66% of the total funds size in Malaysia Stock Market. The remaining is in cash or other income instrument.

The following table show which company that AS1M invest into & also unitholder distribution for financial end of 3oth September 2010.

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ASB & ASN Dividend for 2010 will be Announced Soon


Based on information obtained from Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) webpage, ASNB will suspended all Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) & Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) transaction soon to facilitate the issuance and computation of ASB & ASN Dividend for year 2010.

ASB transaction will be suspended from 20th December 2010 to 2nd January 2011 while ASN transaction will be suspended from 27th December 2010 to 2nd January 2011. Both ASB & ASN have similar financial year of 31st December.

Based on history, ASB dividend will be declared between 14th to 19th December while ASN dividend will be declared around 23rd to 24th December.

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ASNB Declared 6 Sen Dividend for ASN3 in 2010


Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB)  has announced an income distribution of 6.00 sen per unit for Amanah Saham Nasional 3 Imbang (ASN 3) for the financial year ended 30 November, 2010.

This is an increase of 0.5 sen per unit compared with the income distribution of 5.50 sen per unit last year.

The income distribution will involve a total payment of RM7.3 million and would benefit a total of 10,952 unit holders who hold a combined 121.02 million units of ASN 3.

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AS1M Declares 6.38 sen Dividends for its Maiden Payout


Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) announced first income distribution of 6.38 sen per unit for its latest product, Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS 1Malaysia) for the financial year ended 30 September 2010.

This translates into a payout of RM204.67 million and will benefit 259,162 unitholders who collectively own 4.02 billion units of AS 1Malaysia.

As of 21 September 2010, the AS 1Malaysia fund has recorded a gross income of RM294.05 million. Profit from the sale of shares contributed RM165.47 million or 56.3%; dividend income from investee companies contributed RM99.80 million or 33.9%, and RM28.78 million or 9.8 % is derived from investment in short term instruments and other income.

The calculation of income distribution is based on the average monthly minimum balance held throughout the financial year beginning 5 August 2009 until 30 September 2010.

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