
Online Calculators Page on 1-million-dollar-blog

Recently, a new page called “Calculators” was added to the blog. This page will contains many finance and investment related calculators. The aim is to allow 1-million-dollar-blog readers to do calculation easily prior to make financial or investments decisions.

For a start, Earnings Per Share (EPS), Price Earnings Ratio (PE) and Dividends Yield Calculator was added recently. This calculator will allow readers to do calculation prior to making investment in Stock Market.

If you have any comments and suggestion on calculator page please leave it here as comments on Calculators page are disabled. You are also welcome to suggest new calculators to include in the page.

1-million-dollar-blog is Moving to New Webhosting Provider


This post is to inform that 1-million-dollar-blog will move to a new webhosting provider soon. As result, the website may be inaccessible for short period of time but I hope it should me minimal.

The main reason for the moves is due to poor performance of current hosting provider such many downtimes, site inaccessible & taking long time to load when Google bots come to crawl. Many blogger will know, all these will cause site and page rank to drop & subsequently will reduce the traffic from search engine.

These are the example of the problem that I facing with my current hosting provider. The photos are snap from Google Webmaster Tools Account

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