DanaInfra Retail Sukuk, First Retail Sukuk in ETBS

DanaInfra Nasional BerhadAs highlighted in September 2012 regarding Bond/Sukuk for Retail, DanaInfra Nasional Berhad will be the first issuer to the Exchange Traded Bond and Sukuk (ETBS). It will be listed and traded on Bursa Malaysia on 8th February 2013. This product is known as DanaInfra Retail Sukuk.

The size of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk is RM300 million with 10-year maturity date. The Sukuk is an infrastructure issuance to fund the initial tranche of the RM1.5bil for the first phase of the MRT Kajang to Sungai Buloh line.

The minimum profit rate for DanaInfra Retail Sukuk is 3.70 percent per year The final profit rate will be notified prior to listing date. Profit payment will be semi-annually and not taxable.

The table below is the key point of DanaInfra Retail Sukuk.

Issuer DanaInfra Nasional Berhad
Guarantor (principal or face value & profit) Government of Malaysia
Offer Size Up to RM300 million
Face Value RM100 per unit
Maturity Date  10 years
Profit Payment Frequency Semi-annually
Profit Rate Minimum 3.70 percent. Final value to be confirm on Issue Date
Listing  Bursa Malaysia under the ‘Loans and Bonds’ Board
Tax Incentive Tax exemption under Section 127(3A) Income Tax Act 1967
Minimum & Maximum Investment Minimum 10 units or RM1,000 & no maximum
How to buy Application form or via ATM machine & Internet Banking (Maybank, CIMB & RHB only)
Shariah Complience Yes
Eligibility 1. Malaysian citizen & at least 18 years old.
2. Corporation incorporated in Malaysia with Malaysian as majority share holder.
3. Superannuation, cooperative, foundation, provident or pension fund established in Malaysia.
Requirement CDS account & Trading account
Restriction on the holding period No restriction

If the DanaInfra Retail Sukuk is over-subscribed, the Issuer will conduct a ballot to determine the allocation to retail investors in a fair and equitable manner.

For those who are interested, you may subscribe via online banking before 18th January 2013 at 5pm. Tentative balloting date in 22nd January 2013.

More information information can be found at DanaInfra Nasional Berhad and Bursa Malaysia website.

9 comments… add one
  • Adakah sukuk ini ok? Bagaimana dgn sukuk 1Malaysia in 2010? Adakah menguntungkan… Hope u can share…tq

    • Sukuk is OK, very save investment except that the return is rather low, but still better than FD. Sukuk 1 Malaysia return is higher but you can’t trade.

  • What your mean this share cant trade?

    • Bryan, are you referring to my comment on Sukuk 1 Malaysia? If it is then, what I wanted to say is, Sukuk 1Malaysia we don’t have the flexibility to trade in stock exchange like Retail Sukuk.

  • Are you in for this ?

  • Jika saya mulakan dengan RM1,000, bolehkah saya menambah pelaburan seterusnya pada bila-bila masa?

    • Yes, you can buy more from the market at market price.

  • As you mentioned, the return is low..roughly how many %?


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