Every beginning of the year The Edge Malaysia, make a recommendation on the counters to Watch for that year. This year, they recommend 10 counters to look into based on companies fundamental and share price valuation.
Before we see the 2010 list, we look at the performance of their 2009 stock pick. In 2009, The Edge recommend 20 counters in their watch list. Overall the The Edge stock picks in 2009 outperformed Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) with an average gain of 68% versus 45% gain for KLCI. In the investors sell the counters at the peak of the share price, the gain is higher at 78.5%.
The best performance for The Edge 2009 stock pick is IJM Land Berhad, SapuraCrest Petroleum Berhad, Top Glove Corp Berhad, KPJ Healthcare Berhad and IJM Corp Berhad. These best performing stock are double their price and some of them are triple.
The Edge stock pick for 2010 are,
- Maxis
- Evergreen Fibreboard
- Malaysia Steel
- Berjaya Corp
- Sime Darby
- TA Global
- AMMB Holdings
- Unisem Malaysia
- Mudajaya Group
- UMW Holdings
The Edge 2009 stock picks perform well. Because of that, I will monitor their 2010 stock picks more closely from now on.
Now is almost 2010 year end. We can see MAXIS’s share price is stable though. It is suitable for investors who seek a steady dividend payments. The rest of course will end the year 2010 with a gain. Mostly above at least 10%.