After searching around for truly free for life credit cards with no condition, I finally manage to gather 8 types of credit cards that available at the time of writing. There are;
Affin Bank Mastercard & VISA
American Express Gold Credit Card
CIMB Islamic Mastercard
CIMB Petronas Mastercard (Classic, Gold & Platinum)
CIMB Platinum Mastercard
CIMB World Mastercard
CIMB VISA Infinite
Direct Access Mastercard & VISA (All Cards)
Maybank Petronas VISA (Gold & Platinum)
If you find out that any of the above information is incorrect or missing information, fell free to leave your comments,
March 5, 2009
Credit Card,
Debit Card,
Affin Bank,
Al Rajhi Bank,
Alliance Bank,
CIMB Bank,
Public Bank,
RHB Bank,
Standard Chartered,
There are a lot of discussion on which credit card & debit card can be used to verify & withdraw Malaysian Paypal account. I create this post to use as references on which cards works.
Just to clarify that all VISA, MASTERCARD & AMEX cards are suitable for Paypal Verification but take note that Paypal only allow VISA cards for fund withdrawal. However, this is subject to issuing bank policy.
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CIMB Max InvestSave is a long-term investments which allow the investor to meet future financial needs such as retirement, education fund or to protect from inflation. It was launched on October 2008
Unlike ordinary investment funds, Max InvestSave locks-in the highest returns refer by Reference Index Value (RIV) achieved during the chosen tenure. At maturity, you are protected on your maximum returns as well as from any adverse fluctuations that may have occurred. The graph below explain the concept.
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