RHB Bank is launching a Fixed Deposit campaign with MaxFD3 aacount. Depositors will enjoy up to 3% of return with MaxFD3 fixed deposit account. This campaign will end 31st July 2009. UPDATE – This promotion is extended to 22nd October 2009.
In order to participate, depositors have to place a minimum of RM10,000 in RHB MaxFD3 for 8 months and enjoy special interest rates that just keep getting higher and higher. In fact the interest rate will increase every two months for the entire 8 months tenure. The details on the interest rates are,
First 2 months – 2.10% p.a.
Next 3rd and 4th months – 2.30% p.a.
Next 5th and 6th months – 2.40% p.a.
Remaining 7th and 8th months – 3.00% p.a.
The following are additional Terms and Condition of MaxFD3 campaign.
- All deposit placements must be made with new funds.
- Customers must maintain either a Current or Savings account with RHB Bank for crediting of FD interest. Interest will be credited every 2 months.
- To earn the special rate, customers will have to make a minimum placement of RM10,000 for a contract of 8 months.
- For pre mature withdrawal, interest will be paid based on 50% of the contracted rate at the point of withdrawal for the completed months subject to the completion of 3 months from the date of placements.
- Upon maturity of the full tenure of 8 months, the principal sum will automatically be renewed as a 8-month Ordinary FD commencing on such maturity date at the prevailing interest rate for 8 months.