The World’s Top Retirement Countries in 2012


International Living Magazine, which is based in Baltimore, USA recently published Living’s 2012 Retirement Index. The index ranked top 19 countries for the best retirement havens. This index is published annually.

The index is calculated based on a vast range of data points, from the average humidity to the cost of a taxi. The index is also emphasise on living cost such as the prices for real estate, rentals, and utilities like water, electricity, and cable TV. The cost of groceries, eating out, even specific medical procedures are considered too. Finally, International Living also took into account what kind of discounts retirees can get on travel, taxes and entertainment.

In 2012 index, Malaysia score really well at rank number 4 behind Ecuador, Panama & Mexico. The table below is the top 19 country according to Living’s 2012 Retirement Index.

Country Real Estate Special Benefits Cost of Living Integ ration E&A Hea lth Infra Clim ate Final Scores
Ecuador 97 98 100 95 90 85 80 83 91.1
Panama 95 100 95 96 96 91 82 68 90.4
Mexico 94 91 88 96 96 88 75 89 89.6
Malaysia 94 79 95 95 96 87 91 66 87.7
Colombia 93 76 60 92 96 93 84 75 83.7
New Zealand 87 72 69 90 93 84 86 89 83.6
Nicaragua 92 79 94 89 85 78 63 70 82.6
Spain 79 68 78 90 93 76 94 81 82.1
Thailand 90 68 71 91 97 83 76 75 81.4
Honduras 82 89 76 95 96 78 67 63 80.7
Uruguay 91 76 81 87 57 81 83 87 80.4
Italy 69 74 60 71 98 80 90 100 80.3
Brazil 81 87 68 81 99 85 69 71 80.2
Ireland 70 90 57 99 91 70 85 79 80.2
France 68 75 57 82 100 90 88 90 80.1
Costa Rica 88 79 65 97 94 83 74 60 80
Belize 80 84 84 100 83 82 70 57 79.9
Chile 90 73 77 80 93 81 84 61 79.8
Dom. Republic 93 68 60 85 89 72 75 72 76.8

*E&A = Entertainment and Amenities, Infra = Infrastructure

2 comments… add one
  • Surprise to see not many develope countries in d list.

  • Yes, not many of them maybe due to high cost to live in develop countries.


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