ASB Unitholders Get Up to 8.25 sen Dividend & Bonus for 2017


Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) unitholders will receive a dividend of 7.0 sen, bonus 0.25 sen and PNB’s 40th Anniversary Special Bonus of 1.0 sen per unit for the financial year ending 31st December 2017. The special bonus is only for balances of up to 10,000 units. This brings a total of 8.25 sen distribution income for year 2017 for those who hold 10,000 units and below.

Without the Special Bonus, the dividend is similar to the figure declared in 2016.

Kindly refer to “Historical Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) Dividend Rate” page, for previous year dividend and bonus.

The dividend will involve a total payout of RM10.7 billion and which benefit 9.1 million unit holders which currently hold a total of 145.6 billion units of ASB.

The majority of unit holders, numbering some 7.5 million with balances up to 10,000 units will get an effective return of 8.25 sen. 0.8 million unit holders who own between 10,001 and 40,000 units will receive at least 7.50 sen whilst the remaining 0.7 million unit holders will receive at least 7.26 sen.

The calculation of income distribution is based on the average monthly minimum balance held throughout the financial year of ASB ending 31 December 2017. The calculation of the bonus on the other hand is based on the average monthly minimum balance held by the unit holders in the past ten years.

The income distribution and bonus would be automatically credited into the respective unitholder’s account on 1st January 2018.

All ASB transactions will be suspended starting from 20th December 2015 to 1st January 2018 to facilitate the calculation of income distribution and bonus.

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