Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.6 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 for the financial year ending 31st August, 2011.
The dividend is an increase of 0.1 sen per unit compared with the 6.5 sen dividend given in 2011. Kindly refer to “Historical ASW2020 Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
The dividend will involve a payout of RM981.89 million. The figures is 9 percent higher than the payment of RM900.72 million made in 2011.
As at Aug 15, 2011, ASW 2020 registered a gross income of RM1.2 billion.
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Amanah Saham Nasional 2 unit holders will receive a of 6.50 sen per unit for Amanah Saham Nasional 2 ( ASN 2) for the financial year ended 30 June 2012. The figure is 1 sen higher when compared with 5.5 sen per declared last year.
Kindly refer to “Historical Amanah Saham Nasional 2 (ASN2) Dividend Rate” page, for previous year dividend.
The dividend will involve a payment of RM11.9 million and would benefit a total of 8,483 unit holders who collectively owned 183 million units of ASN 2.
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Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.50 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Malaysia for the financial year ending 31st March 2012.
The dividend is 0.12 sen per unit was higher than the 6.38 sen paid in 2011. Kindly refer to “Historical ASM Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
He said the income distribution would involve a total payout of RM820.24 million, an increase of 8.6 percent compared to the RM755.05 million paid out last year.
The payment will benefit 546,341 unit holders who currently hold 12.62 billion units of ASM.
As of 21st March 2012, ASM has recorded a gross income of RM978.32 million.
The registration of newly-launched Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA 1Malaysia) will start on Monday 30th January 2012 and will extend for a year or upon full subscription.
SARA 1Malaysia is a hybrid of a unit trust investment and a loan product. The scheme expected to offer 32.16 per cent return on investment per annum. However, the net return is only 12 per cent per annum if the investors are taking loan.
The scheme was not a get-rich-quick scheme but a government-initiated savings and investment scheme to educate and help low-income earners to invest since they are not financially capable.
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The previous post on Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA 1Malaysia) was getting a lot of interest and many readers are asking for more details information, especially on how to subscribe. Where can you get an investment fund with a government guarantee of 32% annual return?
Kindly take note that, the scheme is only eligible to one member per household. Eligible household refers to individuals with gross household monthly income of between RM500 and RM3,000 including the following categories,
- Married – a combination of gross income of the husband and wife
- Single mothers or fathers – individual gross income.
Below are updates regarding the scheme.
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