Public Bank has a new credit card promotion called “Swipe More & Get Rewarded with PB Credit Card”. Under this promotion, cardholders will earn up to 12% cash rebate on spending made with Public bank credit cards.
This promotion is valid from 1st March 2011 to 31th July 2011. During this promotion a total RM2.5 million cash back to be won by cardholders. This translate to RM500,00 cash back per month.
Under this promotion, cardholders who swipe at least 12 times per month will entitle for 12% cash rebate while cardholders who swipe at least 8 times per month will entitle for 8% cash rebate. All the spending must be in single receipt with minimum of RM80.
For a newly approve card holders, additional cash rewards up to RM60 will be given after first usage. New card holder may also choose 0% financing charges for 8 months instead of cash rewards.
To participate, you have to register your Public Bank credit card via SMS. To register, send SMS through your mobile number by typing “PBCB {space} 16-digits card no” to 32968. It is one time registration and you will be charged 30 cents.
These are the details regarding the cash rebate promotion,
- The Promotion is only open to all Principal PB Credit Cardmembers except for PB Visa Electron Debit, PB Visa Day2Day, PB UTAR, PB TARC, and PB ING Debit MasterCard Cardmembers.
- SMS registration is compulsary but for only one time. RM0.30 will be charge.
- Cash rebate is applicable for retail transactions except for online purchase, auto-debit, flexipay, recurring payment (inclusive of utilties, direct marketing and insurance premium), cash advance and quasi cash.
- The maximum Cash Back payout is capped at RM120 per month per card member with total allocation of RM500,000 per month and based on first come first served basis.
- The Cash Back is in addition to the generic Cash Mega Bonus and/orReward Points.
Click here for Public Bank promotion page.
Click here for Terms and Condition.
Yeah, I love this cash rebate! 🙂
Hi, you forgot to state that the retail transaction EXCLUDE “dining” and “utilities” even you pay as non-recurring payment.
I love my OCBC Platinum, every month can earn up to max RM250 cash back, not much restriction like PBB promotion.
got one of the public bank cash back card as well. the 12% or 8% cash back has lots of catches such ask no breaking big purchase amount into 2 payments or more, no rebates for dining and etc. Customer Service was lousy too. I am going to cancel the card after first month usage of more than RM 5k. Wasted and feel cheated. They claimed that their RM200k cash back allocation usually last for 1st week of the month only. I have a titanium OCBC which gives alot of cash back mostly at 5% but capped @ RM50/m but still beats Public bank card. I got RM50/m constant!
@askchong, as i know ocbc platinum only offer low % cash back. which platinum specifically you mentioned above?
Kev, always check their T&C