Call Warrant is an alternative investment that investor can invest in Bursa Malaysia. It can be traded through remisiers or via online trading, which is similar to trading shares.
The advantage of call warrants is that, it has unlimited upside similar to buying the underlying asset, but the loss is limited to the amount initially invested in the call warrant.
In order to make trading decision, normally investors look at gearing, premium, cash settlement & expiry date.
Below is the formula to how calculate call warrant gearing, premium and cash settlement. Alternatively, you may want to use free online call warrants calculator. The online calculator will calculate these parameters together with the trading profit or loss.
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The calculation for monthly home loan repayment is different than the hire purchase or personal loans. It is based on principle loan balance (reducing balance) instead of total loan, which normally used in hire purchase or personal loan.
The advantage of principal loan balance over total loan is the total interest (profit) paid to the bank getting lesser as times go by.
For those who like to calculate the monthly home loan repayment on your own, you may use the following formula,
Alternatively, you may want to use an online home loan calculator.
Formula for Monthly Repayment
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This post is part 2 of “How to Register a Business or Company via Internet?” series. It is applicable to registering a business or company.
This step is also the shortest & simplest step in the whole process or business or company registration. It takes less than 5 minutes but has to wait for a few hours or a day to get approve for myGovernment PSP (Public Service Portal) user.
Register for a SSM e-account
SSM e-account registration is very simple & it approved instantly. This account is very important to be used in the later steps for Business or Company name search,
These are the steps for registration.
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According to “Registration of Businesses Act 1956 (Act 197)” business or company owner is required to register his business not later than 30 days from the date of business commencement.
The fastest way to register a business or company is by visiting “Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)” office nationwide. If for any reason, you want to do it via internet you can use the following procedure. (Note :- The steps below is only the summary. Details explanation which includes screenshots will be posted in subsequent articles).
Register a Business
- Register for SSM e-account
- Register with myGovernment as PSP (Public Service Portal) user
- Subscribe to “SSM Subscriber Registration”
- Apply for Business Name Approval (ROB)
- Registration of Business (ROB)
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The easiest & most convenient way to submit income tax return form is via e-Filing. Normally, e-Filing system start to open on 1st of March for previous year tax assessment. e-Filing system can be used to submit e-BE, e-B, e-M, e-E, e-P and e-M form.
For information, the dateline to complete e-BE and e-M income tax return is on 30th April while for e-B and e-P and e-M is on 30th June.
Below are simple guides on how to do e-Filing.
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