Marketers have researched consumers and their buying habits. Being aware of their strategies can help you become a smart shopper. Here’s what you should know so that you can save money the next time you make a trip to the supermarket:
– You shouldn’t assume things that are displayed at the ends of the shelf are on sale. They’re prime real estate in a store. And even if they are displayed as a bargain, it is likely the prices are still too high. Look for things at the middle of the aisle.
– Things that are placed at the lower part of the shelf are usually cheaper. More expensive brands usually invest on better placement. However, in kids sections, the prime real estate is lower on the shelves where those little eyes may see them quickly.
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Since it was formed 10 years ago, Euro has become a solid currency. However, things are going on the opposite way in the last few weeks. It start with Greece where their budget deficit reach more than 12%.
The problem seem to be cantagion to PIIGS country (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain). Germany, European Union strongest economy seem not willing to help out what they see as a bunch of Mediterranean layabouts.
New York-based investment bank Morgan Stanley is among those saying the possibility of a euro collapse has to be considered. So, if the euro might not be around in 2020, here are seven trades to start thinking about.
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The last date to submit Individual Income Tax Return for year 2009 in on 30th April 2010 which is tomorrow. If you fail to pay by the due date you have to pay penalty charge of 10%. The penalty is increased by another 5% if the remaining unpaid balance not paid after 60 days.
Have you complete yours? If not, better hurry as the time is running out.
Below are the information and guides that you may need to complete it.
- How to do e-Filing for Individual Income Tax Return
- Malaysia Individual Income Tax Exemptions, Deduction, Rates, Reliefs and Rebates for 2009
- Is Income from Investment Taxable?
- Overpaid Tax Refund in 30 Days with e-filing
And finally if have have to make additional payment you have many option as listed below.
Payment At Bank
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If you are looking for market price or value for your car, you are at the right place. I am going to show you how to get it for free. The services are not limited to car only but to other vehicles as well. Other service providers such as ISM Insurance Services charge you RM10 per inquiry.
You may need car market price or value for the purpose of renewing car insurance, selling your existing car or buying second hand car.
Below are 5 easy steps on how to get it.
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This is the Part 4 on the series. In this part, I will explain on how to calculate profit (or loss) and applicable fees when buying or selling shares at Bursa Malaysia.
By the end of this part, you will have the basic knowledge to enter stock market.
But the most important thing to remember is that, make sure that you are investing, not gambling in stock market.
Part 1 – How to Open Trading and CDS Account for Trading in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 2 – How to Buy and Sell Shares in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 3 – How to Determine Trading Settlement in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 4 – How to Calculate Profit, Loss and Brokerage Fees in Stock Market Trading?
In Part 3, we see that the settlement formula as follow.
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