If you may notice 1-million-dollar-blog has undergone some change in the blog layout. We try to main the original layout as much as possible.
The main features of the new layout are better readability where we use a larger font with clearer color. The second feature is responsive design. If you are not familiar with the term, it means that it is friendly to the mobile users. This is the latest trend where many of the blog readers are using a mobile device such as smart phone or tablet. If you are one of them, you should notice it.
If you see any error or problem with the layout, please contact me or leave a comment.
By they way, if you feel that https://1-million-dollar-blog.com is too long to remember, you may use our new short address http://1mdb.com. It will redirect the main website.
We will announce the winners for National Achievers Congress 2014 giveaway on Friday 2nd May 2014.