For financial end of 31st March 2011, ASM declared 6.38 sen dividend to the unitholders. In the same period, 549,683 peoples subscribe to ASM down from 551,918 in 2010. The total fund size was RM11.85 billion up from RM11.21 billion in 2010.
In summary, ASM invest 71.78 percent of the total funds size in Malaysia Stock Market up from 68.92 percent in 2010. The remaining was invested in money market and others.
The following table show 20 largest stock portfolio held ASM, unitholder distribution and investment income for financial end of 31st March 2011.
Table 1 : 20 Largest Stock Portfolio Held by ASM
No | Company | % of Net Assets |
1 | Malayan Banking Berhad | 9.55 |
2 | Sime Darby Berhad | 6.92 |
3 | Tenaga Nasional Berhad | 5.34 |
4 | Maxis Berhad | 4.48 |
5 | IOI Corporation Berhad | 3.08 |
6 | Public Bank Berhad | 2.96 |
7 | Plus Expressways Berhad | 2.96 |
8 | MISC Berhad | 2.75 |
9 | DiGi. Com Berhad | 2.65 |
10 | CIMB Group Holdings Berhad | 2.30 |
11 | Petronas Gas Berhad | 1.86 |
12 | Axiata Group Berhad | 1.70 |
13 | Public Bank Berhad (Foreign) | 1.67 |
14 | British American Tobacco (Malaysia) Berhad | 1.53 |
15 | UMW Holdings Berhad | 1.43 |
16 | Telekom Malaysia Berhad | 1.42 |
17 | Gamuda Berhad | 1.38 |
18 | PPB Group Berhad | 1.31 |
19 | YTL Power International Berhad | 1.30 |
20 | RHB Capital Berhad | 1.29 |
Table 2: Unitholders Distribution
Unit Distribution | No of Unitholder | Total Unit |
less than 5,000 | 223,560 | 283,081,186 |
5,001 – 10,000 | 58,051 | 392,735,141 |
10,001 – 50,000 | 202,947 | 4,428,382,475 |
50,001 – 500,000 | 64,616 | 6,324,753,165 |
more than 500,001 | 509 | 425,186,425 |
Total | 549,683 | 11,854,138,392 |
Table 3 : Investments Income
Income Source | RM (milion) |
Interest & Other Income | 148.06 |
Dividend | 363.70 |
Profit from Sale of Share | 424.06 |
Total Income | 935.82 |
For previous year dividend, kindly browse “Historical ASM Dividend Rate“. page