FORBES ASIA’s, select 200 out of 15,000 stock-traded companies in Asia-Pacific with revenues between $5 million and $1 billion based on the following criteria: five-year average return on equity and pretax margin greater than 10%, positive sales and earnings per share growth for both the most recent fiscal one and three-year periods, debt less than 75% of shareholders’ equity, and a trading history of at least on year. The final list of 200 is not ranked.
Out of the 200, only 52 repeated from last year, although a dozen others returned to the BUB (Best Under a Billion) from lists previous to that. Of the 2013 group, four companies namely Hartalega Holdings, Mudajaya Group, Philweb & YGSoft—share the mark for longest BUB, which is four years.
There are 12 Malaysia companies listed. The table below is the full list of Forbes Asia 200 Best Under A Billion for 2012.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia ranked the 24th most competitive nation among 148 countries up 1 spot from 25th out of 144 countries in 2012. Malaysia remained the second most competitive among Asean and has improved to seventh position among 25 Asia-Pacific countries.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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The Forbes Global 2000 is an annual ranking of the top 2000 public companies in the world features in Forbes magazine. The ranking is based on four criteria namely Sales, Profit, Assets and Market value.
The ranking was first published in 2003 and it is a useful indicator for leading public companies in the world. In 2013, the top 2 position, are dominated by companies from China where previously hold by companies from United States.
For the 2013 ranking, there are 20 Malaysian companies listed up from 18 in 2012. The newly listed companies are DRB-Hicom & Telekom Malaysia.
The table below is top 20 of 2013 Forbes Global 2000 and all the position of Malaysian companies in the list.
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There are many Stock Broker or also known as Participating Organization, which licensed to trade in Bursa Malaysia. Full list can be found in Bursa Malaysia website here.
For 2012, CIMB Investment Bank retained as the largest stock broker by trading value with 11.68 percent market share, up from 10.36 percent in 2011. On the other hand, the largest trading volume was Kenanga Investment Bank with 12.7 percent market share.
Generally, in 2012, total trading volumes were slightly higher when compare to 2011, but the trading value reduced by about 6.8 percent.
The table below shows top 15 largest stock brokers trades in Bursa Malaysia in 2012 based on Trading Value and Trading Volume.
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Every year, the Economist Corporate Network—the emerging markets advisory business of The Economist Group—conducts a survey of its 500 clients in Asia Pacific. These 500 firms are some of the world’s largest multinationals, and their collective views provide critical insights into the world’s fastest growing region.
The latest Asia Business Outlook Survey (ABOS) was carried out in December 2012. Respondents were all senior executives, many of them with overall responsibility for the Asia Pacific region. The majority came from Western multinational companies.
The survey shows that China, India and Indonesia hold the top 3 spot of the most popular investment spot in Asia while Malaysia not far behind at the 4th spot.
The table below is the top 13th list of the most popular investment spot in Asia.
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