KNM shares price has been beaten recently due to its net profit fell to its lowest level in five year. On 2nd March KNM closed at RM2.34
However, many research houses are still maintaining a “buy” call for KNM on the positive sentiment that its current fiscal year would be better than 2010.
The table below are the target price for KNM from various research house.
Research House | Target Price (RM) |
AMMB | 3.25 |
ECMLibra Investment Research | 3.43 |
HwangDBS Vickers Research | 3.50 |
Kenanga | 3.06 |
Maybank | 4.35 |
MIDF | 3.20 |
OSK Research | 3.44 |
RHB Research | 3.45 |
TA Securities | 4.80 |
Would you buy KNM shares?
If you have fair price or target price from another research house kindly leave in the comment section.
I like maybank TP and wish to be happen this year