Family is very important in our life and they simply can make our stress melts away and our vacations worth having. Even so, keeping them well-fed and content can be rather expensive. Grocery bills may skyrocket once you start a family and stay in your own house, not to mention the medical bills, education cost and clothing. That’s the reasons why, we tend to charge excessively on our cards, our paycheck simply can’t keep up with those huge expenses.
In a family that has recently lose its main source of income, credit card debts can quickly add up, debt can pile up a lot faster than your dirty dishes. Those who have reached credit limit on their cards and can only afford to pay the minimum payment will see that the interest accrue and everything just snowballs. As the result, it’s quite easy for many people to see no end to their financial problems, eliminate their debts and secure their financial situation on the long term. Those in much worse situation may consider about filing for bankruptcy, face the prospect of losing their homes in foreclosure and constantly in fear of the repo man.
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Previously we look at Warrants and Local Call Warrants. In Bursa Malaysia we are also allowed to trade Foreign Call Warrants. As mentioned previously, below are short brief explanation about Call Warrants.
Call Warrants give a right, but not an obligation, to buy a fixed number of stock shares at a specified price within a limited period of time. But unlike warrants, call warrants are issued by third parties based on existing stock shares. Therefore, they do not increase the issued capital or dilute the earnings of the company as a warrant do. Call warrants have maturity dates of not more than two (2) years
The table below shows Foreign Call Warrants that currently traded in Bursa Malaysia together with its maturity dates and exercise price as of 18th August 2010.
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HSBC Bank, Malaysian largest foreign lender recently launched a new global offering called HSBC Advance. HSBC Advance offered customers an integrated account covering deposits, investments, insurance plans and credit cards. Customers would also be introduced to relationship-based banking.
It is aimed at supporting the growing pool of ambitious, financially-savvy mid-market customers aged between 25 and 45 to help them take control of their financial independence. HSBC Advance come with 2 variants namely HSBC Advance and its syariah-compliant version, HSBC Amanah Advance.
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Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB), a wholly owned subsidiary of PNB, recently announced an income distibution or dividends of 6.35 sen per unit for Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) for the financial year ended 31 August 2010.
The income distribution will involve a total payment of RM777.53 million, an increase of 32.30% compared with the previous year’s total payment of RM587.70 million. It will benefit 892,825 unit holders which currently hold 13.1 billion units of ASW 2020,
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Previously we look at Warrants, there are another type of warrants traded in Bursa Malaysia. We call it Call Warrants. Below are short brief explanation about Call Warrants.
Call Warrants give a right, but not an obligation, to buy a fixed number of stock shares at a specified price within a limited period of time. But unlike warrants, call warrants are issued by third parties based on existing stock shares. Therefore, they do not increase the issued capital or dilute the earnings of the company as a warrant do. Call warrants have maturity dates of not more than two (2) years
The table below shows Local Call Warrants that currently traded in Bursa Malaysia together with its maturity dates and exercise price as of 10th August 2010.
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