e-Pengeluaran is an EPF’s electronic services allows members with RHB Bank and Maybank housing loans to submit withdrawal applications online in a fast, accurate and convenient way.
The online facility, which is linked to EPF’s i-Akaun, assist withdrawal applications for repayment of housing loan monthly instalments and to reduce or redeem housing loan balance. Bear in mind that, members must be a registered i-Akaun holder in order to utilize this service.
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Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) unitholders will receive a dividend of 7.50 sen and a bonus 1.0 sen per unit for the financial year ending 31st December 2013. This brings a total of 8.50 sen distribution income for year 2014.
This dividend is 0.2 sen lower when compare to 7.70 sen declared in 2013. However, bonus retained at 1 sen per unit.
Kindly refer to “Historical Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) Dividend Rate” page, for previous year dividend and bonus.
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Only World Group Berhad Initial Public Offering (IPO) received an overwhelming response with its public portion of 9.25 million shares. It was oversubscribed by 6.91 times. The IPO attract 3,307 applications or 73.17 million shares.
Notices of Allotment will be dispatched by post to all successful applicants on or before 16th December 2014. Only World Group is expected to be listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on 18th December 2014 under stock name “OWG”.
Below are the allotment summary.
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Kronologi Asia Berhad Initial Public Offering (IPO) received an overwhelming response with its public portion of 4.74 million shares. It was oversubscribed by 35.50 times. The IPO attract 5.545 applications or 172.98 million shares.
Notices of Allotment will be dispatched by post to all successful applicants on or before 12th December 2014. Kronologi Asia is expected to be listed on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia on 15th December 2014 under stock name “KRONO”.
Below are the allotment summary.
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E.A. Technique Berhad Initial Public Offering (IPO) received an overwhelming response with its public portion of 25.2 million shares. It was oversubscribed by 5.12 times. The IPO attract 7,277 applications or 154.1 million shares.
Notices of Allotment will be dispatched by post to all successful applicants on or before 10th December 2014. E.A. Technique is expected to be listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on 11th December 2014 under stock name “EATECH”.
Below are the allotment summary.
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