There are many Stock Broker or also commonly known as Participating Organization, which licensed trading in Bursa Malaysia. The full list can be found in Bursa Malaysia website.
In 2014, both the total trading values and volumes increase when compare to 2013 by 0.75% and 37.1% respectively. You can see that the surge in trading volume but only small increase in trading value.
The top spot on 2014 for both the highest in terms of trading value and volume held by Affin Hwang Investment Bank, which overtaking CIMB Investment Bank and RHB Investment Bank respectively. It commands 16.83% of the total market volume and 12.10% of the total market value. Affin Hwang Investment Bank is the merging entity of Affin Investment Bank and Hwang-DBS Investment Bank.
The table below shows top 15 largest stock broker’s trades in Bursa Malaysia in 2014 based on Trading Value and Trading Volume.
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Previously, we looked at top 26 world’s sovereign largest pensions fund. The different between sovereign and non-sovereign funds are the fund ownership.
Sovereign fund is established by national authorities for the meeting of pension liabilities. So, this raking is quite similar to world’s largest pension funds but without private funds such as General Motors pension funds.
Malaysian largest pension fund, EPF drop 2 spots from 10th in 2012 to 12th spot in 2013 but the funds’s total assets grew from $153.89 billion to $175.72 billion. On the other hand, KWAP up 13 spots from 130th in 2012 to 117th in 2013. The total assets grew from $24.86 billion to $29.06 billion.
The table below shows top 300 world’s largest pension funds. The data shown here are as of end 2012 & early 2013.
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Sovereign pension fund is a fund established by national authorities to meet of pension liabilities. In Malaysia, there are 2 sovereign pension funds namely, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (KWAP). However, only EPF was listed in top 26 largest Sovereign Pension Funds. The data shown here are as of end 2012 & early 2013.
EPF down 1 spot from 6th spot in 2012 to 7th spot in 2013 with total assets grew from $153.9 billion to $175.7 billion or 14.2%. The top spot retained by Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund with the fund size exceeding $1.29 trillion.
The table below is top 26 world’s largest sovereign pension funds.
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There are many Stock Broker or also commonly known as Participating Organization, which licensed trading in Bursa Malaysia. The full list can be found in Bursa Malaysia website.
Regarding the trading statistic, in 2013, CIMB Investment Bank retained as the largest stock broker by trading value with 17.31 percent market share, up from 11.68 percent in 2012. On the other hand, the largest trading volume was RHB Investment Bank with 14.27 percent market share. RHB Investment Bank emerged as the largest trading volume after merging exercise with OSK Investment Bank on 13th April 2013.
Generally, in 2013, total trading values & volumes were higher when compare to 2012 by 16 & 29 percent respectively.
The table below shows top 15 largest stock broker’s trades in Bursa Malaysia in 2013 based on Trading Value and Trading Volume.
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There are many Stock Broker or also known as Participating Organization, which licensed to trade in Bursa Malaysia. Full list can be found in Bursa Malaysia website here.
For 2012, CIMB Investment Bank retained as the largest stock broker by trading value with 11.68 percent market share, up from 10.36 percent in 2011. On the other hand, the largest trading volume was Kenanga Investment Bank with 12.7 percent market share.
Generally, in 2012, total trading volumes were slightly higher when compare to 2011, but the trading value reduced by about 6.8 percent.
The table below shows top 15 largest stock brokers trades in Bursa Malaysia in 2012 based on Trading Value and Trading Volume.
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