In 2011, Malaysia’s total external trade was at RM1.27 trillion up from RM1.17 trillion in 2010. Trade surplus also increased to RM120 billion from RM110 billion a year before.
Malaysia largest trading partner is China with total trade of RM167 billion in 2010 up from RM147 billion in 2009.
In terms of trade surplus, Malaysia earns the most from INdia and Hong Kong with more than RM17 billion in surplus. On the other hand, Malaysia lost the most to Indonesia with a trade deficit of RM14 billion.
The table below is Malaysia top 30 largest trading partner with export, import & trade surplus (or deficit) figures in 2011.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia at number 25th from 142 countries, down 4 position from 21st in 2011. Korea, Luxembourg, UAE and New Zealand overtook Malaysia this time round although Malaysia’s scores slipped marginally compared to the previous report. In 2010, report Malaysia is at number 26th with score 4.88.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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The Fortune Global 500 is an annual ranking of the top 500 corporations or companies worldwide as measured by revenue. The list is compiled and published annually by Fortune magazine.
The list was first published in 1989 but only cover US industrial companies. In 1995, the list changed to include all companies & sectors.
The latest 2011 ranking was published on 23th July 2012. In 2012 edition, Royal Dutch Shell gained the top position replacing Wal-Mart Stores. There is only one (1) Malaysian company managed to be in the 2012 Fortune Global list, namely Petronas at 68th position improving from the 86th position in 2011.
The table below is top 20 of Fortune Global 500.
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The companies fall under Forbes Asia-Pacific 200 Best Under A Billion 2012 must show both sales and earnings growth. To qualify they must have annual revenue between $5 million and $1 billion and be publicly traded for at least a year.
Then the companies are then screened for earnings growth, sales growth and return on equity in the past 12 months and over 3 years.
There are 14 Malaysia companies listed. The table below is the full list of Forbes Asia 200 Best Under A Billion for 2012.
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The companies fall under Forbes Asia-Pacific 200 Best Under A Billion 2011 must show both sales and earnings growth. To qualify they must have annual revenue between $5 million and $1 billion and be publicly traded for at least a year.
Then the companies are then screened for earnings growth, sales growth and return on equity in the past 12 months and over 3 years.
There are six Malaysia companies listed. The table below is the full list of Forbes Asia 200 Best Under A Billion for 2011.
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