EPF Announced 5.7% Dividend for 2016


The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) announced dividend rate of 5.70 percent for the financial year ended 31st December 2016. The dividend is 0.70 percent lower than 6.40 percent announced in 2015.

Kindly refer to “Historical Employees Provident Funds (EPF / KWSP) Dividend Rate” page for EPF dividend rate table & chart since 1952. You may want to calculate the dividend received by using EPF Dividend Calculator.

The total dividend payout stand at RM37.08 billion from RM46.56 billon income.  The remaining are used for investment expenses, operating expenditures, statutory charges and net impairment allowance on financial assets. The income is an increase of 5.25 per cent compared with the RM44.23 billion recorded in 2015.

Equities continue to be the largest contributor to the EPF’s gross investment income in 2016, generating RM26.85 billion of income or 57.68%, a increase of 3.23 per cent compared with RM26.01 billion recorded in 2015.

Malaysian Government Securities & Equivalent and Loans & Bonds contributed RM16.23 billion or 37.84 % of 2016 income.

Real Estate and Infrastructure asset class contributed RM2.49 billion in investment income in 2016 with annual growth of 46.04 per cent compared with 2015.

EPF’s investment assets stood at RM731.11 billion as at 31 December 2016 while total members’ savings was RM704.27 billion

Members can check their EPF account statement for the crediting of the 2016 dividend starting Sunday, 19 February 2017, through i-Akaun via the myEPF website at www.kwsp.gov.my. Alternatively, members can also obtain their statement at EPF kiosks or visit any EPF branches nationwide.

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