Many of us face the dreaded mid-month cash crisis. You struggle to borrow even just a small amount of money to meet your urgent needs when your payday is not around. Now there is no need to struggle a lot, Payday loans are there to help you out. You can easily borrow these loans to pay off for your urgent needs quickly.
These short term loans can be used to meet any of your needs instantly. You can use them to pay off your car repairs, medical bills, electricity bills and other monthly bills. The funds borrowed from payday loan lenders can be repaid in a period of 14 to 31 days. You can adjust the loan repayment date to your payday.
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If you are Australian resident and would like to obtain fast cash, you can’t go wrong with Cashfirst. Cashfirst will provide cash loans in between $1000 and $5000 to meet your unexpected expenses such as an emergency car breakdown.
Guess what! If you are in dire need for fast cash, you can obtain from Cashfirst in no time. Approval process is extremely fast. Normally, it takes place within 60 seconds, and the cash will be in your bank account within 24 hours of approval. That’s what we call fast!
Cashfist is also well-known for their excellent customer service and turned any complicated ordeal, into a simple and easy process. They always treat the customers with respect that they deserve.
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On the 18th November 2011, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) unveiled new financial guidelines to the financial institutions aimed at promoting prudent, responsible and transparent retail financing practices. The guidelines will take effect starting from 1st January 2012.
The guidelines would be applicable to home and vehicle financing, credit and charge cards, personal financing including overdraft facility and financing for the purchase of securities with an exception for share margin financing, which comes under stock exchange rules.
BNM requires all financial institutions to make assessments of a borrower’s ability to afford financing facilities based on a prudent debt service ratio.
The table below is the summary of the guidelines.
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The advance of loans taken against paycheques is helping investors and families alike find necessary liquidity despite the fact they are unable to get secured loans. These online “payday loans” are also a good hedge against the borrowers’ inability to get credit due to a less-than-perfect credit history.
This has several implications for all types of potential borrowers:
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Maybank is having a new financing facility called AHB Financing-i. It provides financing for the purchase of Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera (AHB) unit trusts. It is an Islamic loan based on the Shariah principles of Bai’ ‘Inah (sale with immediate repurchase).
Below are the details on AHB Financing-i,
- Individuals age 18 years up to 59 years old
- Malaysian Residents
- Bumiputera
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