When investing in property, one of the most important point to be taken is the location of the property. This will determine how much return the investor will gain from the purchase.
Before determining the exact location to the property, investors may want to know which state in Malaysia is giving the highest capital appreciation and also the average property price.
The table below are the average price and percentage price increase for residential property in all state in Malaysia. The data are from RAM Economics.
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On the 4th July 2011, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched Program Perumahan 1Malaysia or 1Malaysia Housing Programme (PR1MA). The programme aim to assist the middle income group who can neither afford to buy high-end property nor are eligible for existing My First Home Scheme and others low-cost public housing scheme to own a home.
Middle income group are those with household income in between RM2,500 to RM7,500 per month regardless whether they work with the government, the private sector or self-employed.
The programme will be plan and coordinate projects by 1Malaysia Housing Programme Corporation, and placed under the Prime Minister’s Department. The corporation would also distribute houses under the projects to eligible recipients.
Below are the details of 1Malaysia Housing Programme (PR1MA).
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Income derived from a rental property is taxable. If you own a rental property, the rental income obtained should be declared in your income tax return form.
Bear in mind that not all monetary transaction between the house owner & tenant is taxable. Also remember that certain expenses on the rental property are eligible for deduction to reduce the income tax.
Take a look at the following scenario.
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Everyone would like to buy a property, either for own stay or for an investment. However, do you know that on top of the property price, you have to pay a substantial amount of money for legal or lawyer fees and stamp duty?
Legal fees is payable to the appointed lawyer who will prepare Sale & Purchase Agreement between purchaser and vendor. On other hand, Stamp Duty which also known as Memorandum Of Transfer (MOT) is payable to the government & collected by Lawyer on behalf of the government.
Below is the details on how to calculate Legal Fees & Stamp Duty or else you may use online Legal Fees & Stamp Duty calculator.
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With immediate effect, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) reduces the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio to 70% instead of normally as much as 90% from the value of the property.
The limit will be applicable to the third house financing facility taken out by a borrower. However, first and second home buyers are not affected by this new rules. They will continue to be able to obtain financing for their purchases at LTV of 90%
The measure aims to support a stable and sustainable property market, and promote the continued affordability of homes for the general public.
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