Bioalpha Holdings Bhd, an integrated health supplements company principally involved in manufacture and sales of semi-finished and finished health supplement products, is scheduled to be listed in ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia on 14th April 2015.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of 100 million new ordinary shares at an IPO price of RM0.20 per share at RM0.05 par value. 80 million will be for selected investors while the remaining 20 million shares available for application from the Malaysian public.
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Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.6 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Malaysia for the financial year ending 31st March, 2015 which is similar to the amount declared in 2014.
Kindly refer to “Historical ASM Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
The dividend will involve a payout of RM1.01 billion. The figure is 6.8 percent higher than the payment of RM945.24 million made in 2014. Currently, there are 537,975 unit holders who currently hold 15.29 billion units of ASM.
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There are many Stock Broker or also commonly known as Participating Organization, which licensed trading in Bursa Malaysia. The full list can be found in Bursa Malaysia website.
In 2014, both the total trading values and volumes increase when compare to 2013 by 0.75% and 37.1% respectively. You can see that the surge in trading volume but only small increase in trading value.
The top spot on 2014 for both the highest in terms of trading value and volume held by Affin Hwang Investment Bank, which overtaking CIMB Investment Bank and RHB Investment Bank respectively. It commands 16.83% of the total market volume and 12.10% of the total market value. Affin Hwang Investment Bank is the merging entity of Affin Investment Bank and Hwang-DBS Investment Bank.
The table below shows top 15 largest stock broker’s trades in Bursa Malaysia in 2014 based on Trading Value and Trading Volume.
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Please be remind that, the last date to submit the 2014 individual income tax return form is on the 30th April 2015 for individual without business income. The date for individual with business income is on 30th June 2015.
Any delay is subjected to penalty as below;
Any tax due and payable but has not been paid by the taxpayer by the due date shall be increased by 10% and any balance remaining unpaid upon the expiration of 60 days from the due date shall be further increased by 5% of the balance unpaid.
To complete tax return form, you may need to have information on tax exemption, rates, reliefs and rebates. if you are not sure what are tax exemption, rates, reliefs and rebates, you can read here.
The easiest way to submit tax return form is via e-Filing. You may see the guides on e-Filing at How to do e-Filing for Individual Income Tax Return. e-Filing system for 2014 tax return form up since 1st March 2015.
Which form to fill in?
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Malaysia’s international trade experienced tremendous growth throughout the last 4 decades with total trade from merely RM 9.45 billion in 1970 to RM 1.4 trillion in 2014. The trade it plays a large role in Malaysian economy.
Malaysia has managed to maintain a positive trade balance, exporting more goods than it imports except in 1982, 1991 and 1994 – 1997.
In 2014, Malaysia post a trade balance of RM 83.11 billion. The highest was recorded prior to global recession in 2008 at RM143.21 billion.
The table below shows statistical figures on total export, import and trade balance since 1970.
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