Uchi Technologies Berhad (Uchitec-7100) was incorporated on 18th February 1998. It was converted to a public limited company and transferred to the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia on 9th May, 2002.
The main activities of Uchi Technologies are principally involved in manufacturing of mixed signal microprocessor-based application and system integration products, and trading of complete electronic module and saturated paper for printed circuit board (PCB) lamination.
Among the largest shareholders are Tabung Haji, EPF, PNB, KWAP and a few unit trust funds.
Uchitec is known to have solid management, and they are paying a very attractive dividend to shareholders. For the past 7 years except for 2009, the dividend yield for Uchitec stays above 6% which is about 2 times of the current fixed deposit rate. For the year 2011, the dividend yield was 11%.
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Every 3 months, since March 2010, EPF reveals its top 30 equity investments in Bursa Malaysia. The aim for this is to promote greater transparency and to reassure members that investment undertaken are in the best interest of growing their retirement savings and in accordance to best practices in investment and governance.
For Q3 2012, when compared to Q2 2012, EPF generally increase their investment in top 30 companies listed in Bursa Malaysia.
There was no newly added nor removal companies to the list in Q3 2012.
In the same period, EPF had increased their share in KPJ Healthcare, Alliance Financial Group and AMMB Holdings Bhd by more than 2 percent and trim WCT Bhd stake by 3 percent.
The table below are the Top 30 Equity Investments in companies listed on Bursa Malaysia as of 30th September 2012.
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Are you looking for new ways to earn money? Do you want to generate extraordinary profits? Do you want to take benefit from an attractive business opportunity? If yes then it is the time to do stock trading particularly futures trading as it has greater opportunities for growth. A large number of people invest in stocks every day but only a few of them get abnormal returns. This is because they have sufficient knowledge as well as experience in futures trading but what, if you do not have any experience in this niche. In this case, you have to take the services of futures brokers.
Futures brokers are experienced individuals who are expert in futures trading. They are aware of the secrets of stock market, as they remain in touch with the management and higher authorities. Their analysis is near to accurate and their decision-making skills are very sharp. Their main job is to take investment decisions at right time on our behalf. They keep an eye on existing trends of various organizations in order to make trading strategy accordingly.
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World Economic Forum (WEF) which is based in Geneva, Switzerland recently release “The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013”. The ranking is based on 12 pillars to measure the competitiveness for each countries.
The pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic environment, Health and primary education, Higher education and training, Goods market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market development, Technological readiness, Market size, Business sophistication & Innovation.
In the report, Malaysia at number 25th from 142 countries, down 4 position from 21st in 2011. Korea, Luxembourg, UAE and New Zealand overtook Malaysia this time round although Malaysia’s scores slipped marginally compared to the previous report. In 2010, report Malaysia is at number 26th with score 4.88.
The table below is top 25 of the ranking.
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The demand for the Astro Malaysia IPO was very good. The institutional portion of the initial public offering has been oversubscribed by more than 20 times. On the retail front, it was oversubscribed by 6.08 times. Astro Malaysia IPO is the third largest this year behind FGV and IHH.
Various research houses give early target or fair prices for Astro Malaysia ahead of the listing day on 19th October 2012. All of them generally targeted higher than IPO subscription prices of RM3.00 per share in the range of RM3.09 to RM3.53. The average figure is RM3.25 or 8.4% higher than IPO price.
The table below is the compilation of target price / fair value from various research houses.
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