Recently, one of my friend wrote an eBook about Silver Investing in Malaysia. The eBook “Practical Guide For Investing Silver In Malaysia” explained that silver has a huge potential of going uptrend in 2013 – 2014.
The eBook “Practical Guide for Investing Silver in Malaysia” is the best investment guide when comes to silver investment. The eBook explains the fundamental reasons on why silver investment is such a great opportunity in this decade when all the financial crisis happens globally. The author explained it in clear and simple English from a Malaysian’s context.
As the author himself is actively involve in silver investment, the author shared the many tips and tricks in silver investment. In this eBook, you will learn many different methods to invest in silver. As the title suggests, the eBook is a practical guide. It would guide the reader step by step on how to invest silver in Malaysia. From buying the 1oz of silver until buying more than 1000oz of silver, the eBook would recommended different approach for investing. One of the most interesting chapters is eBook would even teach the reader how to buy silver below market price!
If you are new to silver investment and have not read the eBook “Practical Guide for Investing Silver in Malaysia”, you have no idea what you are missing out!
Find out more information about “Practical Guide for Investing Silver in Malaysia” eBook
If you find that you can’t keep up with your credit card payments and that you have overstretched your overdraft facility, then it may be that the next step for you is a debt management plan. For those people who find it hard to make the monthly payments to creditors, it can be a really helpful tool.
The intermediary who helps you set up a debt management plan will talk to your creditors and arrange a monthly amount to go to each of your creditors that is manageable for you. Payments are worked out according to your income, but your debts are not written off, they still need to be paid.
A debt management company like Debt Free Direct can talk you through the different options, but a debt management plan is usually suitable for both tenants and homeowners. If your circumstances change, it can be possible to amend payments to suit any changes in income, etc.
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Recently, Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) launched the Malaysian retail bonds and sukuk framework that allows retail investors to directly invest in bonds and sukuk. The framework is part of the initiative under the SC’s Capital Market Masterplan 2 to facilitate greater retail participation in the bond and sukuk market.
The retail bonds and sukuk framework is intended to meet retail investors’ demand for access to a wider range of investment products. Issuers will now also have access to a larger pool of investors.
The framework will come into two phases,
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Pavilion REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) Initial Public Offering (IPO) received an overwhelming response with its public portion of 34 million units. It was oversubscribed by 21.75times. The IPO attracted 32,781 applications or 773.6 million units.
In addition, 24.5 million units initially set aside for eligible directors and employees were made available for Malaysian Public.
Institutional and retail price was fixed at RM1.25 per unit.
Below is the allotment summary.
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Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.6 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 for the financial year ending 31st August, 2011.
The dividend is an increase of 0.1 sen per unit compared with the 6.5 sen dividend given in 2011. Kindly refer to “Historical ASW2020 Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
The dividend will involve a payout of RM981.89 million. The figures is 9 percent higher than the payment of RM900.72 million made in 2011.
As at Aug 15, 2011, ASW 2020 registered a gross income of RM1.2 billion.
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