Although the market met expectations and rallied to an all-time high closing in March, it may be dogged by some uncertainties and potentially retrace in April.
This, however, has not deterred investors from scouring the market for Election-related BUYs.
For April, OSK Top Buys are stocks with a specific catalyst during the month, namely TNB, which should report improved results this month, MMC with the upcoming listing of subsidiary Gas Malaysia, Kencana with its upcoming merger with SapuraCrest, Dialog which has been a noteworthy laggard and Padini, for which a wider coverage and better liquidity should boost sentiment.
The table below is the target price for OSK’s April 2012 top picks.
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EITA Resources Bhd, an elevator manufacturer and distributor of electrical and electronics components and equipment is scheduled to be listed in Main Market on 9th April 2012.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of public issues of 23 million new ordinary shares and 17 million shares for sale at an IPO price of RM0.76 per share at RM0.50 par value.
Out of 23 million shares, 13 million shares are for private placement to selected investors, 6.5 million shares for application by Malaysian public and the remaining 3.5 million shares are made available to directors, employees and business associates of EITA Resources Berhad.
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Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd (Bank Rakyat) declares 20 percent dividend to its members for financial year end 2011 or RM435 million.
The dividend comprises two parts. 15 per cent or a cumulative RM330 million will be paid in cash and the remaining 5 per cent totalling RM105 million will be offered in the form of bonus share.
For previous year dividend rate, kindly browse “Historical Bank Rakyat Dividend Rate” page.
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One of the best ways to compound and grow your wealth is through investing… and the easiest way is through retail. However, the challenge is always about the right stocks to buy or invest so that you ensure minimal risk and at the same time, gaining maximum returns from of your investments.
Now have you ever wondered why some people almost always win in the stock market? It’s not that they are lucky, but rather, they do follow a simple methodology call – Value Investing.
People like Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch or even Tan Teng Boo, the Warren Buffett of Malaysia.
If you are looking forward to discover how the rich really invest and their secret to success, I do hope that you’ll join me in this upcoming Value Investing Summit on 31st March to 1st April 2012.
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Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.50 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Malaysia for the financial year ending 31st March 2012.
The dividend is 0.12 sen per unit was higher than the 6.38 sen paid in 2011. Kindly refer to “Historical ASM Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
He said the income distribution would involve a total payout of RM820.24 million, an increase of 8.6 percent compared to the RM755.05 million paid out last year.
The payment will benefit 546,341 unit holders who currently hold 12.62 billion units of ASM.
As of 21st March 2012, ASM has recorded a gross income of RM978.32 million.