Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors may choose to have a Syariah Compliance KWSP-i account when the amendments to the Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 are passed in Dewan Rakyat in the current parliament session. The new account will be managed and invested according to Syariah principles.
The amendments to the EPF Act 1991, will also provide for the establishment of a Syariah Advisory Committee and an Investment Panel to ensure Syariah compliance.
With the creation of the KWSP-i account, Section 27 of the Act will be amended to enable two dividend rates to be announced for EPF contributors, each for Normal & Syariah compliance account.
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Units trusts are one of the most popular methods of investment. It potentially generates higher returns when compare to fixed deposit or EPF saving. In the past few years, the number of approved unit trust funds, growth steadily.
The table below are the statistics of unit trust funds in Malaysia, including the number of approved fund management companies, no of approved funds, total Net Asset Value (NAV) and its percentage to Bursa Malaysia market capitalization. The data was at 31st December 2013.
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Recently, Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) launched the Malaysian retail bonds and sukuk framework that allows retail investors to directly invest in bonds and sukuk. The framework is part of the initiative under the SC’s Capital Market Masterplan 2 to facilitate greater retail participation in the bond and sukuk market.
The retail bonds and sukuk framework is intended to meet retail investors’ demand for access to a wider range of investment products. Issuers will now also have access to a larger pool of investors.
The framework will come into two phases,
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Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has a very competitive personal loan package with profit rate (interest rate) as low as 4.99% per annum.
Unfortunately, the loan package is only for government staff and government agency, which have salary deduction via Coshare Holding Berhad’s (Coshare) / i.destinasi sdn bhd deduction.
Another benefit of personal loan from KFH is fast approval and 100% payout.
The table below is the features of the loan package.
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MBSB or Malaysia Building Society Berhad, a subsidiary of KWSP is offering 3 personal loan packages with profit rate (interest rate) as low as 3.5%. This promotion will end on 31st December 2011.
The loan packages are 1 Malaysia, Waslah and Exec-i Package. These loan packages are only for government staff, government agency and government link company(GLC) which have salary deduction via Biro Angkasa.
Another benefit of personal loan from MBSB is low fees, fast approval and individuals who blacklisted by CCRIS & CTOS are eligible to apply.
The table below is the comparison between the three packages.
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