Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB). At the time of writing, ASNB managed nine funds. The latest fund is Amanah Saham 1Malaysia which was launched in August 2009.
If you intend to invest in ASNB funds and find it difficult which fund to choose, you may look at the comparison tables below for a quick comparison. Table 1 is showing fixed price funds while table 2 is showing variable price funds. Bear in mind that ASG consists of 3 different funds, namely ASG-Pendidikan, ASG-Kesihatan and ASG-Persaraan.
Table 1 : Fixed Price Funds
ASB | ASW2020 | ASM | ASD | AS1M | |
Launch date | 2 Jan 1990 | 28 Aug 1996 | 20 Apr 2000 | 20 Apr 2001 | 5 Aug 2009 |
Fund Type | Income | Income | Income | Growth | Income |
Category | Equity | Equity | Equity | Equity | Equity |
Eligibility | Bumiputra | Malaysian | Malaysian | Bumiputra | Malaysian |
Unit price | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed |
Fund Size (unit) | Unlimited | 14 billion | 13 billion | 4.5 billion | 10 billion |
Convert to Cerificate | Yes | No | No | No | No |
EPF Scheme | No | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Sale Charge | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Sale Charge (EPF) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Financial End | 31 Dec | 31 Aug | 31 Mar | 30 Jun | 30 Sep |
Maximum Investment (RM) | 200,000 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Minimum Investment (RM) | 10 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Historical Dividend | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Table 2 : Variable Price Funds
ASN | ASN 2 | ANS 3 | ASG | |
Launch date | 20 Apr 1981 | 9 Jun 1999 | 16 Oct 2001 | 17 Mar 2003 |
Fund Type | Growth | Growth | Balance | Growth & Income |
Category | Equity | Equity | Equity, Others | Fixed Income, Equity |
Eligibility | Bumiputra | Bumiputra | Malaysian | Malaysian |
Unit price | Variable | Variable | Variable | Variable |
Fund Size (unit) | 2.5 billion | 2.5 billion | 1 billion | 1 billion |
Convert to Cerificate | Yes | No | No | No |
EPF Scheme | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Sale Charge | 5% | 5% | 5% | 5% |
Sale Charge (EPF) | N/A | 3% | 3% | 3% |
Financial End | 31 Dec | 30 June | 30 Nov | 31 Mar |
Maximum Investment (RM) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Minimum Investment (RM) | 10 | 1000 | 100 | 100 |
Historical Dividend | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Hi there,
I think some of the information publish here was outdated. Check out the latest information on ASNB funds at http://www.asnb.com.my
Thanks for point it out. The table is up to date now. 🙂
Dato’ Sri Najib memaklumkan ekonomi negara kita berkembang pesat.. namun dividen bagi ASN3 bagi tahun 2010 masih lagi 6%… kalau Dato Hamat Kama Piah masih hidup sehingga 20 tahun lagi… dividen itu masih dalam angka yang sama.. samalah kita berdoa agar Doto’ Hamat Kama Piah maut dengan segera untuk hentikan segala pembohongan ini…
Dato ‘Sri Najib informed our country’s economy growing rapidly .. but ASN3 dividend for the year 2010 is still 6% … Dato Hamat Kama Piah if still alive up to 20 years … the dividend is still in the same numbers .. Let us pray for Doto ‘Hamat Kama Piah death immediately to stop all these Bullshit ..
6% is not that bad. If you are not satisfied you are free to invest in other funds. Anyway it it not nice to pray for other people to die.
Recent ASB income = 8.8%
Bank loan interest rate = 5.6%
ASB income profit = 8.8% – 5.6% = 3.2%!
Ok gak tu… (“,)
actually, 7.65+1.15
1.15 is calculated based on 10year monthly balance.
dont expect to get fully 8.8 if ur investment is less than 10year.
apepn mmg xrugi pn wat.. 🙂
Fantastic website you have here.
I would like to know whether the max ASB cash deposit is still RM200k per person and additional RM200k for certificate (if I take out an ASB loan with an eligible bank)?
Thank you
The maximum you can deposit is RM200k be it passbook or certificate.
Fixed Price Funds have more than 10 billion except Amanah Saham Didik, fully subscribed in a minute for Chinese holders. but for Variable price funds, fund size not more than 3 billion. until today, variable price funds still not fully subscribed due to the 5% charged and 3% charged on EPF, plus the variable price of NAV.