eDividend initiative was intoduced during 2010 Budget speech last year. Under the eDividend initiative, dividend payments from listed companies will be credited directly into shareholders bank account, instead of through cheques.
Paperless dividend payment system is convenient and faster for shareholders and helps avert potential problem of misplaced, lost or expired cheques.
In Bursa Malaysia, 500 listed companies are currently paying dividends to shareholders but only eight, including British American Tobacco, Nestle, Malayan Banking and Bursa Malaysia are offering eDividend.
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If you have a rental property & your tenant fails to pay the rent, don’t ever think to reclaim your property by breaking in. It is againsts the law. Many landlords had been brought to court by tenants for breaking into their properties and were sued for the loss of their tenants’ assets including cash.
And the worst part is, it could be a trap laid by tenants who are looking for easy cash.
In the past three months, three such claims were made by tenants. All of them are Malaysians who are against their landlords. Their claims amounted to a total of RM117,000 in cash and assets.
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The previous PB REAL Cash Back Promotion which offer 8% cash rebate ended 31st March 2010. In order to make their card holders happy & not cancelling thier card due to RM50 tax, Public Bank strike again with a greater, 15% cash back.
This promotion is valid from 1st April to 30th June 2010. Under this promotion, Public Bank credit card holders who spend on a specific Daily Merchant Category are entitle for the 15% Cash Back. The great news is no minimum spending amount is required.
In addition to that if you swipe at least 15 times in a calendar month, you will received RM1 rebate for every swipes subject to maximum of RM30 per month.
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This is the Part 4 on the series. In this part, I will explain on how to calculate profit (or loss) and applicable fees when buying or selling shares at Bursa Malaysia.
By the end of this part, you will have the basic knowledge to enter stock market.
But the most important thing to remember is that, make sure that you are investing, not gambling in stock market.
Part 1 – How to Open Trading and CDS Account for Trading in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 2 – How to Buy and Sell Shares in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 3 – How to Determine Trading Settlement in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 4 – How to Calculate Profit, Loss and Brokerage Fees in Stock Market Trading?
In Part 3, we see that the settlement formula as follow.
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This is the Part 3 on the series. I hope that you understand the previous 2 parts.
In part 3, I will explain on the process of trading settlement so that it is clear when you should make payment for your buy transaction. I will also explain the risk that you will be facing if you fail to follow the rule.
Part 1 – How to Open Trading and CDS Account for Trading in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 2 – How to Buy and Sell Shares in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 3 – How to Determine Trading Settlement in Bursa Malaysia?
Part 4 – How to Calculate Profit, Loss and Brokerage Fees in Stock Market Trading?
Step 1 – Understand Settlement Date
In Bursa Malaysia, all buy or sell order have to be settled at 12.30pm on day T+3 where T is the day of transaction.
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