Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), announced a dividend of 6.0 sen per unit for the Amanah Saham Malaysia for the financial year ending 31st March, 2017 which is lower than 6.30 sen declared in 2016.
Kindly refer to “Historical ASM Dividend Rate” for previous year dividend.
The dividend will involve a payout of RM1.0 billion, which will benefit more than 500,000 unit holders who currently hold 17.3 billion units.
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Eco World International Berhad (EWI), the overseas property arm of Eco World Development Group Bhd is scheduled to be listed in Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on the 3rd April 2017 and it will be largest initial public offer (IPO) this year.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of comprising of 2.15 billion new ordinary shares at an IPO price of RM1.20 per share. 449.5 million shares will be for institutional investors, private placement & selected investors and 408 million shares made available to the eligible directors and employees of Eco World International Berhad, Eco World Development, entitle Eco World Shareholders and Malaysian Public. The remaining shares allocated to EW Berhad and Guocoland Limited
Retail application is payable upon application but in the event the final retail price is less than RM1.20, retail investors will receive the refund on the difference. After the IPO, shareholder will receive bonus issue of two free warrants for every five Eco World International shares.
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The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) announced dividend rate of 5.70 percent for the financial year ended 31st December 2016. The dividend is 0.70 percent lower than 6.40 percent announced in 2015.
Kindly refer to “Historical Employees Provident Funds (EPF / KWSP) Dividend Rate” page for EPF dividend rate table & chart since 1952. You may want to calculate the dividend received by using EPF Dividend Calculator.
The total dividend payout stand at RM37.08 billion from RM46.56 billon income. The remaining are used for investment expenses, operating expenditures, statutory charges and net impairment allowance on financial assets. The income is an increase of 5.25 per cent compared with the RM44.23 billion recorded in 2015.
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Recently, I came across IVSAChart, a web base AutoTrade Trading Advisor software. The software look promising and without wasting too much time, I subscribe to it. I’m here sharing my experience with IVSA ATA Web Based software that was recently launch in 2017.
IVSAChart ATA stands for intelligent Volume Spread Analysis Auto Trade Advisor, which uses proprietary algorithm to indicate buy and sell signals on the chart to serves as an advisor for traders to time the market well, knowing when to buy and when to sell for short, mid and long term gain. It is an upgrade of their previous product, called the IVSAChart Pro, which uses volume spread analysis, coupled with advance algorithm to identify Signs of Strengths and Signs of Weakness to identify the market’s next big movers and smart money flow. IVSAChart ATA is highly recommended for beginners as it is very easy to use and helps kick start your trading journey by advising you when to enter and exit. For season traders, it can be serve as a secondary advice before you make any moves in your trades.
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Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad, an engineering group is scheduled to be listed in Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on the 8th February 2017.
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) consists of 389.4 million ordinary shares comprising of 271.4 new ordinary shares and 188 million offer for sale of existing shares at an IPO price of RM1.50 per share at RM0.50 par value. 341.3 million shares will be for institutional investors, private placement & selected investors and the remaining 48.1 million shares made available to the eligible directors and employees of Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad and Malaysian Public.
Retail application is payable upon application but in the event the final retail price is less than RM1.50, retail investors will receive the refund on the difference.
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